Capcom is not a company that often creates new IP. In recent years, the Japanese publisher/developer has invested heavily in its most popular franchises, but many have been left dormant. Indeed, in the past 10 years only one new IP has been announced, Pragamata, which is set to launch next year. However, according to statements in a recent investor relations Q&A, that could all be changing.
Though the language used was vague as would be expected, Capcom’s representative suggested that diversifying the company’s output was already under consideration. When specifically asked about dormant IPs, the company stated the following:
“We are currently putting together plans for our pipeline based on-demand data from the market. Going forward, we will continue to take customers’ wishes into consideration while devising our title lineup.”
This marks a significant change in the company’s recent form. The last new IP Capcom developed was Dragon’s Dogma. A game which recently celebrated it’s 10th anniversary, with no true sequel in sight.

There’s a lot of untapped potential in Capcom’s back catalogue. In addition to the above, Dino Crisis is a fan favourite that had seemingly been laid to rest more than 20 years ago. Viewtiful Joe is another series much loved by fans, yet sales performance was reportedly pretty mixed. Final Fight, Onimusha and Lost Planet are front runners in terms of potential, given the recent rise in popularity of their respective genres.
What Capcom franchise are you hoping will make a comeback? Let us know in the comments below!
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