Announced earlier this year, Stray Souls is an intriguing horror game in development at Jukai Studio. The game was initially stated to launch in 2023 without any specific date. Now, publisher Versus Evil has shrunk that window, confirming that Stray Souls is ready for launch this Halloween.

Looking to lie somewhere between Daymare: 1994 Sandcastle and the Resident Evil 4 remake, Stray Souls combines beloved elements of Japanese survival horror games with an array of new tricks. For example, a variety of randomised systems will ensure no two playthroughs are the same. Enemy encounters, item placement, paranormal activity and even weather patterns are always changing. The environments may be familiar a second time around, but the moment-to-moment action won’t be.

Using the power of Metahuman technology and Unreal Engine 5, characters and environments are authentically brought to life, throwing you straight into the dread and dismay of the narrative. The game also features new music from legendary Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka, and is promised to deliver 4K 60fps visuals, as well as supporting haptic feedback on PlayStation 5.

Stray Souls keyart

Stray Souls Trailer – Halloween Launch

A new trailer (below) was revealed to announce the launch window. In the trailer, viewers will meet Daniel, a teenage boy who inherits a home from his estranged grandmother. As he moves in, Daniel meets the enigmatic Martha who knows more about the house than he would expect. As night falls, dark , occult secrets hiding within the dwelling and Daniel’s past come out of the woodworks. Secrets Daniel cannot seem to outrun.

As stated above, Stray Souls is set to launch this Halloween. The game will be available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S simultaneously.

Are you excited for some psychological horror this Halloween? Let us know in the comments below!

Categories: Games