Nekki announced the highly impressive looking SPINE videogame late last year. Since then, we’ve had a new trailer confirmed SPINE release date. Though, that’s all so far. Despite this, the team behind the game seem pretty confident, announcing a partnership to create a SPINE live-action movie.

What is SPINE?
SPINE is most certainly being developed with the ‘rule of cool’ as its guiding principle. The game follows the story of a street artist, Redline. With this being a cyberpunk fuelled game, she is accompanied by a sentient combat implant, known as SPINE. For some previously unknown reason, the pair get embroiled in a coup against the autocratic AI regime of Tensor Corporation.
Turns out it’s because they’ve kidnapped Redline’s brother. Who knew?
Gamers will be joining them on their campaign, battling against hundreds faceless guards with stunning looking gun fu action. Think Wanted: Dead with a whole lot of polish.
SPINE Live-Action Movie
Along with the tidbit about Redline’s brother, the news of a SPINE live-action movie will surely build anticipation even higher. There’s no word on a planned launch date for the SPINE movie. However, Nekki has already committed to further expansion of the franchise including DLC after release, comic books, a board game, and merchandise. Nekki already publishes a webtoon comic, SPINE: Bullet Dancers.
But what about the SPINE live-action movie? For this project, the developer has partnered with Story Kitchen.
“We’re so pleased to bring SPINE to Story Kitchen” said Dmitry Terekhin, Founder/CEO of Nekki. “We believe that truly great stories always stand out, and the SPINE universe will captivate audiences across any media.”

Who are Story Kitchen?
Story Kitchen is a studio that has worked on games, movies, and occasionally the marriage of the two. Titles the studio has worked on include Dredge, Sleeping Dogs, It Takes Two and the Sonic the Hedgehog movies.
“When we first learned of the upcoming game from Nekki, we lost our collective minds and had to find a way to partner,” said the team at Story Kitchen. “SPINE, with its main character Redline, could not be more badass!”
So, SPINE is looking to be a pretty big deal, eh? Are you excited for the planned 2025 launch of the game? What do you think about the announcement of a movie adaptation? Let us know in the comments below!
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