The Smile, comprised of Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood, Thom Yorke, plus friend and Tom Skinner, have announced their debut album. A Light for Attracting Attention will be available for download and via streaming from 13th May, 2022. A physical release will follow on 17th June, on limited edition yellow vinyl, black vinyl and CD.

A Light for Attracting Attention

The announcement followed the release of the latest single, Free in the Knowledge. Greenwood himself made the announcement in a newsletter issues to fans. The contents of which can be found below:

I feel grateful that we managed, with Nigel’s help, to record these songs in a way they deserve. And the singles released so far have been liked – as far as I can tell – which makes me feel dangerously confident in the rest of the record. As the all-knowing algorithm has it, if you liked that, you’ll love this, right? Hope so. Aside from anything, the brass and strings players who helped out – I really can’t wait for you to hear all their work too.

So yes, we’re properly proud and excited for everyone to have the whole thing – but, it’s been a drawn out process so far, with so many single songs released. I can only apologise for our tentativeness. Patience is a virtue, but then, so are sobriety and humility – and they’re not happening either. Nor can we persuade Apple Music to stop greying-out the titles of the unreleased tracks (the teases!) – but, come May 13th, everything will be out there, instead of in here.

As we prepare to play this all live, a small part of me views the record as a way of getting people familiar with the songs first. This is short sighted, but as I type this, I can’t really think beyond the first chord of the first concert in Croatia because that’s where so much of the excitement is for me. Live concerts are short-sighted, short-lived things, and all the more vital because of it.

But really, the record still feels worth your time – both the time spent waiting, and the time we’re asking you to invest in hearing it – which is all I can hope for. I’m listening to it constantly, long after I should have had enough, so maybe that’s the right, long-sighted view of this. I hope you have the same experience

Jonny Greenwood, The Smile newsletter

Are you pre-ordering A Light for Attracting Attention? Let us know in the comments below!

Categories: Music