Welcome to Chit Hot’s Horizon Forbidden West Trophy guide. Many gamers across the world have been diving into the beautiful world of Horizon for a second time on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. As ever, there’s a wide variety of Trophies to collect along the way. With this Horizon Forbidden West Trophy Guide, you can ensure that the Platinum Trophy is within your reach!
Achieving the Platinum Trophy in Horizon Forbidden West is actually a relatively simple task. There is only one Trophy that can be missed, and this doesn’t occur until near the end of the game. So you can play through the story as you wish without having to worry too much. None of the few choices you make in the game will prevent you from obtaining any Trophies.

Horizon Forbidden West Trophy Guide
Outside of the one missable Trophy (more on that shortly) everything can be done in whichever order you prefer. Once you have completed the story the game allows for free roam play, so you can clean up whatever you need done afterwards.
The majority of this list is comprised of the usual open world missions: progress through the story, complete side quests, level-up etc. There’s nothing particularly taxing here, except…
One Missable Trophy
It is possible for “All Machine Types Scanned” to be missed.
In the final story mission, called “Singularity,” there are 43 machines that you will need to scan. 41 of them can be scanned at any point, including post game in free roam. The two that you need to hunt down during the mission are “Specter” and “Specter Prime.” These two machines only spawn one time during the final mission and cannot be scanned after completing the mission. Make sure you scan them during that mission, or they will be missed. You can find more details later in this Horizon Forbidden West Trophy guide.
PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 Double-Up?
It is possible to ‘auto pop’ Trophies across two copies of the game. However, you can only import your save from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5, not the other way around. If you earned the Platinum Trophy on PlayStation 4 you can auto pop the PlayStation 5 list by importing your save file. This option will only appear if the game detects your PlayStation 4 save file upon booting the game.
Horizon Forbidden West Trophies
All Trophies Obtained
Obtained all Horizon Forbidden West trophies.

Reached Level 20
Reached player level 20.
Simply level-up to level 20. More details below.
Reached Level 30
Reached player level 30.
Simply level-up to level 30. More details below.
Reached player level 50
Levelling-up Trophies will be earned as you play through the game. You’ll gain XP from completing main missions, side missions and for combat. You will likely reach level 50 by the time you finish everything else in the game.
Reached the Daunt
Arrived at the Daunt seeking passage into the Forbidden West.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Secured Passage to the Embassy
Cleared the way to the Embassy and reopened the Daunt.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Attended the Embassy
Survived the ambush at the Embassy and gained passage into the Forbidden West.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Established the Base
Secured a base of operations and rebooted GAIA.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Recovered AETHER
Defended the Kulrut and recovered AETHER.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Recovered POSEIDON
Drained Las Vegas and recovered POSEIDON.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Recovered DEMETER
Encountered the Quen and recovered DEMETER.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Recovered Beta
Followed Beta’s distress signal and brought her back to base.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Discovered Faro’s Fate
Survived Thebes and befriended the Quen.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Flew on the Wings of the Ten
Flew into battle and vanquished Regalla.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Discovered Nemesis
Put an end to the Zenith threat and discovered Nemesis.
This is an unmissable story related Trophy.
Chose a Desert Commander
Aided both Drakka and Yarra and chose the better candidate.
This Trophy is earned by completing a three mission side questline. You’ll begin in Arrowhead Settlement, and subsequent quests will be automatically added as you complete the one before. It does not matter who you choose here; you will not miss out on anything with either choice.
The three side quests are:
- Thirst for The Hunt
- The Wound in The Sand
- The Gate of the Vanquished
You will need to have completed the main mission “The Eye of the Earth” before this questline becomes available.
Saved the Daunt
Resolved all of the problems troubling the Daunt.
This is earned by completing certain side quests in The Daunt. You will be taken here automatically by following the story, during the main mission “To The Brink.”
- The Twilight Path – Found in Chainscrape.
- The Bristlebacks – Found in Chainscrape.
- Shadow of the Past – Found in Barren Light.
- Shadow in the West – Automatically given to you after completing Shadow of the Past.
Aided Kotallo
Helped Kotallo build and test a mechanized arm.
This is earned by completing a side quest for Kotallo.
- What Was Lost – Found in The Base after completing the main mission “Seeds of the Past.”
Healed the Land-gods
Helped Zo reboot the land-gods to save Plainsong.
This is earned by completing a side quest for Zo.
- The Second Verse – Found in The Base after completing the main mission “Cradle of Echoes.”
Recovered Alva’s Data
Helped Alva retrieve data to help the Quen.
This is earned by completing a side quest for Alva.
- Forbidden Legacy – Found in The Base after completing the main mission “Gemini.”
First Tallneck Overridden
Reached the top of a Tallneck and accessed its information.
All Tallneck Overridden
Reached the top of every Tallneck and accessed their information.
There are six Tallnecks to climb in Horizon Forbidden West and none of them are missable.
You can start working on these after completing the main mission “The Embassy.” Although there are six of them, you’ll actually only have to track down four of them. One of them will be done automatically as part of the story and the other is the objective for completing the IOTA Cauldron.
The Tallnecks are climbing puzzles. When you reach the top you can reveal more details on the map. All of their locations will be automatically added to your map when reach a certain story point fairly early in the game.
First Rebel Camp Completed
Completed key objectives in 1 Rebel Camp.
Defeated Asera
Investigated all Rebel Camps and helped Erend defeat Asera.
There are six Rebel Camps in the game and none of them are missable. You will need to travel to each one and scan for clues, defeat the camp leader, destroy items or investigate items in the camp.
You can do the first five in any order you want. After completing the fifth, you’ll be given a waypoint which will direct you to Erend before taking down the sixth.
You can keep track of these under Quests > Rebel Camps.
They will be marked as icons on your map.
First Core Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information.
All Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed their information.
There are six Cauldrons to complete in the game and none of them are missable.
You will be introduced to Cauldrons as part of the story. The first two will take place in two different main missions. The remaining four are in side areas that will have you climbing through and defeating enemies. Overriding a core in these will give you different machine overrides which will allow you to tame different machines.
Obtained 3 Stripes at a Hunting Ground
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
Obtained 3 Stripes at All Hunting Grounds
Earned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at all Hunting Grounds.
There are 12 trials in total to complete. These are divided up in three trials at four different Hunting Grounds, none of which are missable. Each of the trials are timed. So the faster you complete them, the better your score will be.
The score is broken down below:
- Gold – Full Stripes
- Silver – Half Stripes
- Bronze – Quarter Stripes
Simply getting a bronze score in the trials will count toward the Trophy. So you don’t have to obtain Gold across all 12 of the trials.
They will be marked as icons on your map.
All Acquisition Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine.
There are 18 different types of Acquisition machines to kill. There are also several different categories of each machine type, but that doesn’t matter. You just need to kill at least one of every type listed below.
To track of what machines you’ve killed simply enter the Touchpad menu and select Notebook > Statistics > Machines Killed. There you can see which machine is which type, as the type will be listed under the name in your Machine Catalogue.
You can scan the machines by pressing to identify them. This is also needed for the “All Machine Types Scanned” Trophy, so be sure to scan them.
- Grazer
- Scrounger
- Scrapper
- Spikesnout
- Plowhorn
- Charger
- Lancehorn
- Bristleback
- Fanghorn
- Widemaw
- Glinthawk
- Snapmaw
- Sunwing
- Clamberjaw
- Rockbreaker
- Tideripper
- Frostclaw
- Fireclaw
All Recon Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine.
There are five different types of Reconnaissance machines, but this includes Tallnecks. You can’t kill Tallnecks, so you only need to kill four types for this Trophy. There are also several different categories of each machine type, but again these don’t matter. You just need to kill at least one of every type listed below.
To keep track of what machines you’ve killed simply head to the Touchpad menu and select Notebook > Statistics > Machines Killed.
You can scan the machines by pressing to identify them.
- Burrower
- Skydrifter
- Longleg
- Redeye Watcher
All Combat Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.
There are 15 different types of Combat machines. You need to kill at least one of every type listed below.
To keep track of what machines you’ve killed head to the Touchpad menu and select Notebook > Statistics > Machines Killed.
You can scan the machines by pressing to identify them.
- Clawstrider
- Corruptor
- Stalker
- Grimhorn
- Ravager
- Dreadwing
- Shellsnapper
- Stormbird
- Thunderjaw
- Scorcher
- Slitherfang
- Tremortusk
- Slaughterspine
- Specter
- Specter Prime
All Transport Machines Killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.
There are five types of Transport machines. You need to kill at least one of every type listed below.
To keep track of what machines you’ve killed go to the Touchpad menu and selecting Notebook > Statistics > Machines Killed.
You can scan the machines by pressing to identify them.
- Leaplasher
- Bellowback
- Shell-Walker
- Rollerback
- Behemoth
Rode All Regular Mounts
Rode a Charger, Bristleback, and Clawstrider.
Before you can ride these three machines you will first need to unlock their overrides.
When you have the necessary overrides for each machine, you have to stealthily approach the machine and press to override it and then
to mount it.
- Charger Override – Automatically given to you at the beginning.
- Bristleback Override – Unlocked by completing the TAU Cauldron during the main mission “The Dying Lands.”
- Clawstrider Override – Unlocked by completing the IOTA Cauldron.
All Machine Types Scanned
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine.
There are 43 different types of machines found in the game. 41 of them can be found out in the wild during the story and after it. You can scan these at any time.
However, there are also two machines that can be missed: Specter and Specter Prime. These two machines only appear one time and it is during the final story mission “Singularity.” If you do not scan them during the final mission, you can not get them anywhere else in the game.
It’s also important to note that if you die after scanning the two machines during the final story mission, you will need to scan them again. You can keep track of all the machines that you have scanned by going to Notebook > Machine Catalogue. If there is a machine icon instead of an “?,” that means the machine has been registered as scanned. Make sure that you check your Machine Catalogue during the final fight to make sure that the two missable machines have been registered.
You can scan enemies by pressing and holding . Aim the reticule at the machine and it will scan.
Completed a Long Glide
Glided uninterrupted for 60 seconds.
There is a very easy method for getting this done. You’ll get the Glider as part of the story early on in the game. Toward the end of the game, you’ll also unlock the flying mount as part of the story.
When you have the flying mount unlocked, fly up as high as you can and jump off. Hold as you fall to equip the glider. Stay gliding until the Trophy pops.
Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests
Completed 2 quests that required a flying mount.
There are four quests that require a flying mount. For this Trophy, you only need to complete two of them.
You won’t be able to do this until later in the game. The flying mount will automatically be unlocked during the main mission “The Wings of the Ten.”
The quests that require a flying mount are listed below:
- First to Fly – Found in The Bulwark.
- Shining Example – Found in Arrowhead.
- The Way Home – Found in Legacy’s Landfall.
- Tides of Justice – Found in Tide’s Reach.
Won 2 Gauntlet Runs
Won first place in two different Gauntlet Runs.
There are actually four Gauntlet Runs, but you only need to win two of them for this Trophy. However, unlike the the other side content, the races aren’t all available at once. You will need to go to the first location, win the race and will unlock the next. Each time you win a race, the next will be unlocked.
The first Gauntlet Run can be found just north of Arrowhand.
Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts
Completed all contracts at a Salvage Contractor.
There are four Salvage Contractors in the game. For this Trophy, you need to do every quest at any one of them.
These will be marked on your map as icons.
The Contractors are found in the following areas:
- Barren Light
- The Greenswell
- The Stillsands
- The Raintrance
Completed 4 Rebel Outposts
Defeated the outpost leader and recovered the tags from 4 Rebel Outposts.
There are 17 different Rebel Outposts, but you only need to complete four of them for this Trophy. You’ll need to kill the leaders and investigate the surrounding area to complete an Outpost.
The Outposts are like the Rebel Camps, but smaller. They will be marked on your map as a icon. They can also be tracked in Quests > Rebel Outposts.
Completed 3 Relic Ruins
Discovered and completed 3 Relic Ruins.
There are nine Relic Ruins in the game, but you will only need to complete three of them for this Trophy. Relic Ruins are puzzles that you have to solve to obtain a Relic locked behind a door.
Some of them require abilities that are unlocked during the story: the ability to destroy Firegleams and the ability to destroy Metal Flowers. The Firegleam ability is given to you in main mission “Death’s Door.” The Metal Flower ability will be given to you in main mission “Seeds of the Past.”
Relic Ruins will be marked on your map as icons on your map. They will be blue until you complete them, then they will change to green.
The required codes are as follows:
- The Daunt – 1705
- No Man’s Land – 2204
- Restless Weald – 1923
- Isle of Spires – 2019109
Completed Arena Challenge Set
Completed 1 Arena challenge set.
You wont be able to compete in the arena until after completing the main mission “The Kulrut”.
Go to the arena and speak to the arena master and you’ll be given the “Opening the Arena” side quest. Complete that quest and speak to him again. You’ll then be able to complete the arena challenges.
The Trophy can be earned by completing four fights in the easy set of challenges. All you need to do is beat the enemies within the time limit.
Defeated Machine Strike Challengers
Won a match against 2 different Machine Strike challengers.
Machine Strike is board game that you can play at settlements. There are more than two challengers in the game, but you only need to beat two for this Trophy. It also has to be two different challengers.
You’ll first come across this minigame while in Chainscrape early in the story. The challenger in Chainscrape will also walk you through a tutorial on how to play the game.
Winning the games set on “Beginners Practice: Easy” will count toward this.
They will be marked as icons on your map.
Obtained All Weapon Classes
Obtained 1 weapon from every weapon class.
There are eight different weapon classes. You need to get at least one weapon from each class.
You can simply buy them from Hunter Merchants found at the settlements.
You’ll need at least one weapon from the following classes.
- Blastslings
- Boltblaster
- Hunter Bow
- Ropecaster
- Sharpshot Bow
- Shredder Gauntlet
- Spike Thrower
- Tripcaster
Used all Elemental States
Inflicted every elemental state on an enemy at least once.
There are six different elements that you can inflict on enemies. In order for an elemental status effect to be counted toward this Trophy you will need to completely fill up the elemental meter when damaging an enemy. When attacking an enemy with an elemental weapon, you’ll see an icon of that element above the enemy. Keep attacking them until that icon completely fills up.
You’ll need to use each of the following:
- Acid
- Fire
- Frost
- Plasma
- Purgewater
- Shock
Performed 3 Melee Combos
Successfully performed 3 different unlockable melee combos.
You will need to acquire three different melee combos from the Warrior skill tree by spending skill points, then use each one against enemies. You’ll know you did this successfully because the name of the combo you performed will appear on-screen.
Stealth Killed 10 Machines
Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines.
You can earn this Trophy very early in the game. Press to crouch, stay hidden in tall grass until the machine turns its back to you. Sneak up on a machine and then press
to perform a silent strike.
Performing a silent strike while enemies are alerted will not count toward this. They have to be completely unaware.
Tore off 100 Components
Detached 100 components from machines.
This will likely be achieved over the course of your playthrough. Every machine enemy has components on them will detach when you attack them. These are weak points, so you should be aiming at them to make combat easier.
Picked up 5 Heavy Weapons
Picked up 5 different heavy weapons.
This Trophy only counts the heavy weapons that are shot and detached off of the bigger machine type enemies. When you detach a heavy weapon you can pick it up and use it in battle. These weapons are usually located on the backs of enemies. The weapons have to come from five different enemies.
Enemies that have detachable weapons are listed below:
- Stalker
- Grimhorn
- Ravager
- Dreadwing
- Shellsnapper
- Thunderjaw
- Scorcher
- Slitherfang
- Tremortusk
- Slaughterspine
10 Types of Machine Overridden
Unlocked and used the overrides for 10 different types of machine.
Overrides are acquired by completing Cauldrons, though some of the overrides will also need to be crafted. This can be done at the Fabrication Terminal in The Base.
Once you have the required overrides, you can use them on enemies by stealthily sneaking up on them and by holding when you’re close to them. If successful, the machine will fight for you.
The following machines can be overridden:
- Grazer
- Burrower
- Scrounger
- Leaplasher
- Charger
- Lancehorn
- Longleg
- Bristleback
- Redeye Watcher
- Clawstrider
- Glinthawk
- Shell-Walker
- Sunwing
- Clamberjaw
- Rockbreaker
- Behemoth
- Tideripper
- Stormbird
- Tremortusk
Defeated the Enduring
Defeated the Tenakth melee master known as the Enduring.
You will need to complete all four of the melee pits, for which you will need to have unlocked everything in the Warrior skill tree. After you’ve completed all of the melee pits you can proceed with tracking the quest “The Enduring.” This quest will get added to your quest log after you complete your first melee pit, but you won’t be able to complete it until all four are done.
All you will need to do after that is beat the melee master.
Fully Upgraded a Valor Surge
Upgraded a Valor Surge to its maximum level.
A Valor Surge is a perk that you can equip from the various skill trees. They are unlocked by spending skill points on them. You’ll need to unlock the skills that surround it in order to fully gain access to the Valor Surge. There are three upgrades in the Valor Surge and you will need to upgrade all three of them.
The Valor Surges are the circular areas of the skill trees.
Upgraded 3 Weapons
Fully upgraded 3 weapons.
In order to upgrade weapons, you need to interact with a workbench. Workbenches are often found at settlements. You can fully upgrade any three weapons you want, but this is easiest done with the green tier uncommon weapons and outfits. Uncommon weapons and outfits only have three upgrades and the upgrades require common components.
Upgraded 3 Outfits
Fully upgraded 3 different outfits.
Upgrading outfits works the same as upgrading weapons.
Upgraded Every Pouch Type
Upgraded the Food Pouch, Potion Pouch, Resource Pouch, Trap Pouch, and any ammo pouch at least once.
You can upgrades your pouches at workbenches.
There are five pouches to upgrade, but you wont have them all right away.
- Ammo Pouch – Given to you automatically at the beginning of the game.
- Trap Pouch – Given to you automatically near the beginning of the game.
- Resource Pouch – Given to you automatically at the beginning of the game.
- Potion Pouch – Buy a potion from a herbalist.
- Food Pouch – Buy food from a cook.
Enhanced Weapon with Coils
Equipped a weapon of any tier with 2 coils.
You’re going to need at least a blue tier weapon. Blue and purple tier weapons can be upgraded to have two coil slots. Yellow tier weapons have three coil slots that can be upgraded to five.
Coils can be obtained by looting defeated machines or they can be bought from Hunter Merchants. Go into your inventory, select the weapon you want to add a coil to and press to add a coil. If there is a lock on one of the coil slots, that means you need to upgrade the weapon at a workbench.
Unlocked 3 Weapon Techniques
Unlocked a Weapon Technique for 3 different weapon classes.
Weapon techniques are the diamond shaped skills found in the middle of the skill trees. They will also say “Weapon Technique” in the description. You will need to unlock three of these across three different skill trees. You cannot get this by unlocking three techniques in the same tree.
Skill Tree Learned
Learned all available skills on one tree.
There are six different skill trees available and you’ll need to unlock every skill in at least one of them in order to earn this.
The six different skill trees are listed below:
- Warrior
- Trapper
- Hunter
- Survivor
- Infiltrator
- Machine Master
Recovered 5 Different Collectables
Completed 1 Survey Drone, 1 Black Box, 1 Relic Ruin, 1 Vista Point, and 1 Signal Tower.
All you have to do here is complete at least one of each of the collectibles.
- Survey Drone – There are 10 of these drones that can be found flying around on set paths. You won’t be able to shoot these down, you’ll need to climb up to the point where you’ll be able to reach the drone by jumping to it. Once you’ve grabbed it, you can hang on to it until it descends all the way down to the ground. Once you’re on the ground with the drone, you can loot it.
- Black Box – There are 12 Black Boxes to find, but you only need one of them for this Trophy. Crashed airplanes can be found across the map and you can search the wreckage for the black box collectible.
- Relic Ruin – You will need to complete three of these in order to earn the “Completed 3 Relic Ruins” Trophy.
- Vista Point – There are nine Vista Point locations. Vista Points are visual puzzles. These require you to scan the location and then match the scan to the real world location to recreate what it used to look like. You’ll need to stand in specific locations in each of these spots in order to recreate the image.
- Signal Tower – There are six Signal Tower locations. These are tall towers that you need to climb and retrieve a lens. If you have the flying mount unlocked, you can just easily fly up to the top and grab the lens.
Used Dye Flowers
Used dye flowers to unlock and apply a new dye.
You can dye your clothing by interacting with Dyers. There are three of them found throughout the game. You will also need to have the required ‘flowers’ in order to dye your clothes, although they are actually called ‘blooms’ in-game. Blooms are found on the sides of mountains.
The Dyers are found in the following locations:
- Plainsong
- Scalding Spear
- Thornmarsh
This concludes our Horizon Forbidden West Trophy guide! Did it help you get the Platinum Trophy? Let us know in the comments below!
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