The upcoming release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will see several playable characters returning from Final Fantasy VII Remake. This much we know. However, recent reveals have shown there’s a few new characters being added to the roster as well.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth acts as a standalone release. You don’t need to have played Final Fantasy VII Remake in order to get the most from it. This much was demonstrated with a recent Final Fantasy VII Rebirth video, ‘The Story So Far…’. The game picks up as our team have escaped the dystopian city of Midgar. Together, they journey into the wide world beyond. Their mission is to hunt down Sephiroth, a fallen hero and vengeful swordsman from Cloud’s past.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will see the cast of characters joined with new companions like the spirited ninja operative Yuffie and the wisecracking, feline-shaped robot Cait Sith.
What’s more, it was recently revealed that Sephiroth himself will be a playable character in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Sephiroth will only be playable in certain sections of the game. However, this reveal is enough to shake up expectations significantly.
Final Fantasy VII Remake Characters Returning
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is bringing over a many playable characters from Final Fantasy 7 Remake. There’s very few surprises here. However, for completion sake, we’ve highlighted each returning character below.
- Aerith Gainsborough
- Barret Wallace
- Cloud Strife
- Tifa Lockhart
- Yuffie Kisaragi
Despite many of the spin-offs taking many different angles, the core Final Fantasy VII games wouldn’t be complete without primary protagonist, Cloud Strife. The ever-optimistic flower vendor, Aerith Gainsborough, brings a host of spells, while the gun-armed Barret Wallace provides your heavy tank. And, of course, there’s fan favourite Tifa Lockhart.
Finally, Yuffie Kisaragi wasn’t originally playable in Final Fantasy VII Remake but was later made playable in the INTERmission DLC. Also included in the PlayStation 5 release of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade.
New Playable Characters Coming to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will also see a host of new characters joining the roster. As stated above, we’re getting Final Fantasy VII‘s infmaous villain, Sephiroth. Exactly how the character will be made playable in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is not currently known. Here’s hoping it’s more than just a series of flashbacks.
Other characters will have more fundamental changes on the core game experience. It will be interesting to see how these characters are introduced in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth compared to the original Final Fantasy VII. Here’s every new playable character coming to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:
- Cait Sith
- Red XIII
- Sephiroth
- Zack Fair
Red XIII, aka Nanaki, made an appearance in Final Fantasy VII Remake, but wasn’t playable. That will change in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Cait Sith will also become playable in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
Sephiroth we’ve already discussed, but also Zack Fair will be appearing as a playable character. Zack was the lead character in Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core.
So that’s every character playable in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth confirmed so far. It’s still possible other characters are being made playable as well, but we’ll have to wait until the game’s release next month to discover them!
Has your favourite Final Fantasy VII character made the cut? Let us know in the comments below!
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