A new demo version of the highly anticipated Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is now available to download. Ahead of the full game’s launch, this Nintendo Switch exclusive Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes demo allows players to enter the fray today.

In Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, players will uncover the fates of three great powers in a different story set in the universe of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Command vast forces that blend the strategy of Fire Emblem with action-packed Warriors style gameplay. Progress through the story to unravel the diverging paths of Fódlan’s new future.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes screenshot

Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and other Fire Emblem: Three Houses characters return. Put their combat expertise on display as you revisit a war-torn Fódlan. Players will use their unique abilities to unleash devastating combos and striking special moves in action-packed, real-time combat. Cut through hordes of enemies with Edelgard’s axe or Dimitri’s lance, or blast enemies from a distance with Claude’s bow.

Beginning the game as Shez, you take on the roles of a mercenary who was meant to fade from the pages of history. Shez is on a quest for answers after suffering a brutal defeat at the hands of the mysterious Ashen Demon. After crossing paths with the future rulers of the three nations that govern Fódlan, Shez is quickly wrapped up in a growing conflict that will determine the future of the continent. Three diverging paths will reveal what lies ahead.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes screenshot

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Demo

The Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes demo is available to download from Nintendo eShop on your Nintendo Switch. You can now experience the beginning of the story ahead of the game’s release. Better yet, all progress will carry over to the full game upon launch on 24th June, 2022.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes appeared in Chit Hot’s list of the best Nintendo Switch games still to come in 2022. Now is your chance to see if the game deserved such high acclaim!

Are you excited for the Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes? Will you be downloading the demo? Let us know in the comments section below!

Categories: Games