Having debuted on PC back in 2020, Ayre and the Crystal Comet has taken it’s time coming to consoles. Now however, publisher eastasiasoft has confirmed the game will launch on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch later this year.
Ayre and the Crystal Comet invites players into the open skies. You take the role of a wandering dragon rider in search of a lost civilization. The game is presented in a nostalgic low-poly art style, allowing total freedom of flight from the beginning of your journey.
Take the role of Ayre, a young woman with a rare companion: the last living dragon. Having spent years travelling far and wide to learn where her dragon came from, Ayre believes she has located the homeland of an ancient dragon-riding civilisation called the ‘Skyriders’. Having reached these lands, Ayre must now unlock its many elusive secrets.
Ayre and the Crystal Comet is designed as a chilled experience. Players are invited to engage in exploration and discovery at their own pace. There’s no concern for pressures such as combat or complex stat management. Instead, you simply search a vast open world from atop your dragon, or land and investigate locales on foot.
Ayre and the Crystal Comet’s PC Success
As stated above, Ayre and the Crystal Comet launched on PC way back in 2020. The game is available via Steam, where it has several positive reviews. Whether or not the game can repeat this success on consoles remains to be seen.
If you’re looking for more from the developer, Gordon Little, another title also available on Steam is free to download now. Spell Casting: Meowgically Enhanced Edition is an cartoon-stylised game about casting spells by solving line drawing puzzles. This too, has a number positive reviews.
Ayre and the Crystal Comet is set for release in 2023, though no specific date has yet been announced. Are you keen to take to the skies? Let us know in the comments below!