The power of the Waaagh! comes into full force this coming weekend. With a tranch of new models and rule sets for the Ironjaws and Troggoths available to pre-order for your Grand Alliance Destruction armies.

Like always, Games Workshop has been dropping details over the past few weeks regarding the new Warhammer Dawnbringers II – Reign of the Brute campaign. Whether you want to bolster your green skin units or start a brand new Destruction army with some lumbering Troggoths, there’s plenty of brutal carnage to be wrought by Age of Sigmar players.

Trugg's Great Troggherd
Trugg’s Great Troggherd

Dawnbringers: Book II

This new collection starts and ends with Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute. The story of the Twin-Tailed Crusade continues as the soldiers of Hammerhal strike out across Aqshy and Ghyran. One branch clashes with Gargant King Brodd, and the other encounters Trugg the Troggoth King

Dawnbringers: Book II contains battleplans to reenact moments from the story, as well as the latest narrative and rules for four new Armies of Renown. Whilst all the rules for the new models below can be found in the book, a free Battletome Supplement: Ironjawz supplement containing all eight warscrolls will be available as a free PDF download.


Looking for some new Ironjawz to blosters those Waaagh! ranks? Then you’ve come to the right place. Five new units are going to be released,

  • Tuskboss on Maw-grunta – Lead your Ironjawz from the front. This kit builds the Tuskboss variant, or alternatively a Maw-grunta with Hakkin’ Crew or Maw-grunta Gouger.
  • Ardboy Big Boss – The Ardboy Big Boss is a seasoned commander with five Damage 2 attacks.
  • Orruk Ardboys – This new kit updates the classic armoured orruks into a new age, with brand new options to equip all 10 with spears and shields.
  • Weirdbrute Wrekkaz & Brute Ragerz – These brutes strip off their armour and carry massive two-handed weapons into battle.
  • Zoggrok Anvilsmasha – Anvilsmasha is a legendary forgemaster responsible for the thick armour and rugged blades carried by his Ironjawz tribe. He’s also able to smash enemy ward saves.
  • Vanguard: Orruk Warclans – This set contains a Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, a Murknob with Belcha-banna, one Beast-skewer Killbow, three Man-skewer Boltboyz, and 10 Gutrippaz


As for the giant, lumbering Troggoths, there’s a new king in town and he’s only available via a new kit, to begin with.

  • Trugg’s Great Troggherd – The kit includes Trugg the Troggoth King and his entourage of six Rockgut Troggoths.
  • Rabble-rowza – Another accompaniment to existing Gloomspite Gitz armies is Rabble-rowza. These chuntering champions have magically enhanced voices which are loud enough to disturb creatures lurking far underground

All the above units and the Dawnbringers: Book II will be available to pre-order this Saturday, 16th September 2023.

Which will you be ordering? Let us know in the comments below.