Welcome to Chit Hot’s guide for Resident Evil Village. This page contains everything you need to know to defeat the man himself, Karl Heisenberg. This guide includes information on secrets, treasures, and collectibles you can find during the Karl Heisenberg boss fight, including how to defeat the final lord of the game.
Resident Evil Village Walkthrough Guide – Karl Heisenberg Boss Fight
Having defeated the Sturm boss fight, you’re heading straight into another big battle. Chris gave you a tasty robotic gift when you recently met, so as you take the lift up to the field outside the Factory get top grips with the controls. As well as ensuring you get a feel for movement and turning speed, also pay attention to your machine gun, cannon, and blocking move. That last one may prove vital.

Karl Heisenberg Boss Fight
Heisenberg is far from a pushover. Thankfully, the arena for the fight gives you a bit of breathing room. It can prove tricky to turn quickly or get away from Heisenberg, but you’ll find that your cannon attack doubles as a getaway move. Each shot blasts you back by a great distance. If you’re finding the turning circle too unwieldy, try using the cannon attack evade some of Heisenberg’s moves..
As the fight begins you should focus your fire entirely on glowing red spots in Heisenberg’s metal form. A useful tactic is to destroy these weak spots with machine gun fire while using the cannon to avoid incoming attacks. If you see your machine gun impacts causing red sparks to fly from body, you’re hitting the right spot.
Heisenberg will lift one of his buzz saws before charging at you. Blowing up one of his weak points will stun him, which you can use to interrupt his charge attacks. If you don’t hit him in time, you’ll need to block at the last possible second. Missing this block will put you at a significant disadvantage, as you can’t heal yourself while in your machine.
He may also plant both saws down and charge. This is an ideal time to blast him with a cannon, as it will immediately stop his advance.

Heisenberg Phase 2
Destroying all of Heisenberg’s weak spots will simply result in more appearing. Stick with it though, and eventually he’ll light on fire. You’ll be lifted into the air. At this point, hit him with a cannon blast to his face. Great work! But oh, now you’ve lost your cool killing machine.
You can’t block his attacks in on foot, so you’ll need to run-and-gun. Any explosives you have are your best bet, followed by rifle fire aimed directly at his head. Get behind the debris to keep Heisenberg off your tail, and let out a few shots before running away again.
You can use your high powered shots to interrupt his attacks. Be sure to keep aiming for his head to do the maximum damage. Eventually, he’ll start to generate a giant electrical field and you’ll be thrown into the sky again. One last cannon blast, and the fight will conclude.
That completes this Resident Evil Village Walkthrough Guide – Karl Heisenberg Boss Fight. However, things are still yet to get worse! Head to Chit Hot’s Resident Evil Village Walkthrough Guide main page for the next steps.
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