If you love collecting Warhammer’s Cities of Sigmar then you’ll probably know all about the new miniatures on the horizon. A new Battletome, Army Set and more are almost ready to be released. Now a new squad has been unveiled in the form of the agile Wildercorps Hunters.
Expert trackers, the Wildercorps Hunters are the ideal scout troop for your Cities of Sigmar army. These hardened warriors of the Mortal Realms know how to perfectly stay out of sight ready to ambush. Wildercorps squads are also joined by Trailhounds. These legendarily bad-tempered dogs are bred for their keen senses and powerful jaws.

Wildercorps Hunters lay in wait
Such is their ability to scour the environment for traps, uncover rival scouting parties and assess dangerous terrain that they have the ‘Hidden and Dangerous’ trait.
“Lurking unseen by the enemy, Wildercorps Hunters stalk their quarry sometimes for days on end before they launch surprise volleys of crossbow bolts from hidden positions.”
The ‘Hidden and Dangerous’ trait means that a squad isn’t visible to the enemy if it is in cover or more than 12″ away from them. Additionally, improve the Rend characteristic of this unit’s missile weapons by 1 whilst it is in cover.
Furthermore, the hunters can also be used on their own as a Warcry warband. Able to face off against other pet-wielding units like the Royal Beastflayers or the Monsta-Killaz.
No detail just yet regarding when the new Cities of Sigmar units will be made available. Chit Hot will keep you posted.
As these new models are introduced Games Workshop is taking older units off the battlefield. The likes of Freeguild General on Foot, Helblaster Volley Gun, Demigryph Knights and the Phoenix Guard will no longer be part of the main battletome.
Are you looking forward to the new army set? Let us know in the comments below.
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