Development studio Teyon has delivered on a promised update for their latest hit. Publisher Nacon has launched a significant new update for Robocop: Rogue City, including the much-requested New Game+ mode. This new update is free to download now for all owners of the game.

RoboCop: Rogue City launched late last year and was met with a welcoming response. The single-player FPS, puts you in the stonking metal boots of RoboCop, as you engage in trying to clean-up New Detroit. You’ll hit the streets armed with your trusty Auto-9, factory-built strength, and years of experience on the force.

The game is developed by the same studio as the underrated Terminator: Resistance. But this time, Teyon has received a much greater critical reception. And reportedly better sales of RoboCop: Rogue City to boot.

RoboCop: Rogue City Closed Beta

RoboCop: Rogue City New Game+ Update

The Robocop: Rogue City New Game+ mode allows you to experience the game again. This time, with a higher difficulty and with tougher enemies. Of course, you’ll still retain the experience gained from your previous playthrough. But there’s more to this new update.

Players will have the opportunity to unlock new motherboards and chips for the weapon upgrade system. And of course, along with the New Game+ mode comes three new Achievements/Trophies to unlock. The full details follow below:

  • New Game+ mode
  • New game difficulty: “There will be trouble”
  • Exclusive gold skin for the Auto-9
  • 3 new OCP motherboards to upgrade the Auto-9
  • 5 new OCP chips to upgrade the Auto-9
  • 3 new Achievements to unlock

The game is available now for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC. All three editions of the game have been considered a critical and commercial success. Which is nice.

Are you a fan of Robocop: Rogue City? Will be playing through the game a second time with New Game+? Let us know in the comments below!

Categories: Games