After completing Chapter 1: Fall of a HeroFinal Fantasy 7 Rebirth kicks things up a gear. This walkthrough guide for Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will tell you everything you need to know. This includes all item locations, rewards, and how to beat the boss!

Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth once again features four unique stages. You’ll be taught about character interactions and relationships, before culminating in a boss fight.

If you’re just beginning your journey, be sure to check out our how to get started with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide for some important tips and tricks!

Chapter 2: A New Journey Walkthrough Guide

Searching for Friends Walkthrough

1Exit through the door and head downstairs. Talk to Broden and he’ll tell you where the rest of the group are.
1.5The Queen’s Blood minigame is now unlocked. The tutorial and your starter deck will be available before you head downstairs.
2Once outside, regroup with Red XIII to get Party EXP. He’ll send you off to find Sekvacarsa Weapons.
3Talk with Tifa and Barret to build up your relationship with them. Tifa is near the center of Kalm, by the Water Tower. Barret will be at the bar of the Rusty Arrow Tavern.
4Make your way to the Sekvacarsa Weapons objective marker. Speak to the owner to unlock Weapon Upgrades.
5Speak to Red XIII to build your relationship with him.
6Head to the southeast and meet up with Aerith outside Maghnata Books.
7Speak to the shopkeeper in Maghnata Books to learn about Folios, as well as how to unlock Synergy Skills and Abilities.
8Next, you’ll want to head over to the north side of town and meet up with Aerith. Follow her to the top of the Clock Tower and admire the view of Midgar.
9Shinra will invade the town. Head down the tower and speak with Broden. He attempt to get you out of the town without alerting the soldiers.
10Follow Broden’s instructions until you reach the inn. Inside you will unlock the Item Transmuter.
11After the Item Transmuter tutorial, head into the Air-Raid Shelter underneath the inn. Here you will meet up with Barret, Red XIII, and Tifa before making your escape.
12Open the exit and you will enter the first region map of the game: The Grasslands.

Romance Partners in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Chapter 2: A New Journey introduces dialogue options. These allow you to build relationships with each of the party members as you progress through the game.

During key conversations, Cloud will given the choice between three dialogue options. Depending on your choice, the character will approve or remain neutral towards Cloud. These play a key part in romance stages, so be sure to check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tifa Romance Guide.

Grasslands Walkthrough

1Once the introduction to this area has finished you’ll be heading south towards the Abandoned Dock.
1.5You can meet with Broden’s friend at a nearby farm. Doing so gives you access to your first Bench, Vending Machine, and Maghnata Automat.
2Continue heading towards the Abandoned Dock. A cutscene will play wherein you discover that you’ll need Chocobos before you can cross the swamp. The Sleek Saber can be found inside a Purple Chest here.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth screenshot

Securing Chocobos Walkthrough

1After the cutscene, backtrack towards Bill’s Ranch. Talk to Billy inside the large barn and he’ll task you to look for Piko, an escaped Chocobo.
2Next, talk to Chloe at the back of the barn behind the desk. She’ll give you Piko’s favorite greens which you can use to fetch the runaway. Timeless Rod can be found inside the Purple Chest to the right of Chloe.
3With the greens in hand, head outside and follow the Chocobo tracks. Once you arrive near Piko’s location, a short minigame called Chocobo Wrangling will begin.
4Approach Piko slowly. You’ll have to sneak through the tall grass and get past two other Chocobos before reaching Piko. Once close enough, use a rock to distract him before wrangling him.
5Once Piko has been caught, head back to Billy.
6Head outside the barn for a cutscene where you are reunited with Chadley.
7Follow Chadley to a nearby Remnawave Tower in order to unlock the World Intel.
8Return to Billy to get the Chocowhistle. This is a key item which allows you to summon your Chocobo mount within the Grasslands Region.
9Follow Billy to the training grounds to learn about Chocobo Races.
10Use your Chocowhistle to summon your Chocobo, and talk to Billy about participating in the Hustle de Chocobo.
11Finish a lap of the course to get your rewards, and you’ll be free to explore the entire Grasslands Region.

Explore the Grasslands Region to Level Up and Get Better Gear

From this point on, you are free to explore the Grasslands Region in its entirety. However, it is recommended that you fully explore the local area and complete any World Intel before moving onto the Swamplands.

Swamplands Walkthrough

1Return to the Abandoned Docks in the south of the Grasslands Region. You can now cross it while riding a Chocobo.
Head for the Mythril Mine entrance at the south side of the swamp. The Hi-Caliber Rifle can be found on the small island where you spot a Black Cloaked Figure.
2As you approach the south the swamp, you will encounter Midgardsormr. Click here for how to beat Midgardsormr.
3After defeating the Midgardsormr, continue down the path and enter the tunnel. Once inside the Mythril Mine, Chapter 3: Deeper into Darkness will begin.

That completes this Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins Walkthrough Guide! If you’re struggling with any other aspect of the game, be sure to check out our living Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth walkthrough guide.

Are you enjoying Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? Are there any areas of the game you’re struggling with? Let us know in the comments below!