Netflix recently announced a new series based on the popular Addams Family. Set to be directed by Tim Burton, the Netflix Wednesday Addams reboot will see Christina Ricci return to the franchise after she played Wednesday Addams twice in the early ’90s, in both The Addams Family and The Addams Family Values. However, at the time Ricci was a child. Now, at 42, many fans are wondering exactly how she can deliver a ‘coming-of-age’ story.

The upcoming eight-episode series is a sleuthing, supernaturally infused mystery charting Wednesday’s years as a student at the peculiar Nevermore Academy. Wednesday’s attempts to master her emerging psychic ability, thwart a monstrous killing spree that has terrorized the local town, and solve the supernatural mystery that embroiled her parents 25 years ago – all while navigating her new and very tangled relationships of the strange and diverse student body.   

Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams

However, Ricci has not been cast as Wednesday Addams this time around. Ricci will plan ‘an exciting new character’, for which details have not yet been revealed. That hasn’t stopped the fanbase, though. Many are unhappy with the casting, suggesting that banking on the nostalgia for the ’90s films is ‘cheap’.

Last year, Netflix announced that 18-year-old Jenna Ortega (Jane the Virgin, You) had been cast as Wednesday, with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Luis Guzmán playing her parents, Morticia and Gomez Addams.

Other Twitter users were more upbeat about the Yellowjacket actor’s return to the morbid comedy franchise.

According to the show’s synopsis, Wednesday will follow its titular character’s “misadventures as a student at Nevermore Academy: a very unique boarding school snuggled in deepest New England”.

In addition to making his directorial television debut with Wednesday, Burton is also the show’s executive producer. The team also includes Andrew Mittman for 1.21 (The Addams Family, Alphas), Kevin Miserocchi (Tee and Charles Addams Foundation), Kayla Alpert (Code Black, Up All Night), Jonathan Glickman for Glickmania (RESPECT, Addams Family 2), and Gail Berman (The Addams Family, Alphas).

The Netflix Wednesday Addams reboot does not yet have a release date. What do you think about Ricci returning to the franchise? Let us know in the comments below!

Categories: TV