Day 82:  I sold all of my Turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which made 2,215,000 Bells!

I know there are some Turnip price tendency analysis online, but I never tried it. The only thing I do is going to the Nook’s shop to check the price twice every day.  I am just a nerd.

So, I am very excited when I see the morning’s price. Such a big surprise!

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5,000 Turnips, which I bought last Sunday, were sold without a bit of hesitation.

Since I paid off my mortgage with all of my savings last week, I became a Bellionaire again, just a few days later!

The profit on the investment is over 300%. It seems a bit like Tesla’s stock. Haha. But the Turnip trade is much better, as you will never lose 300%.

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Another thing happened today was Label, the middle Able sister, came to DREAMLAND.

She visits the island randomly and brings the “challenge” gift. Different outfit matches different gift which is she will give you if you complete the challenge.

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Actually, it is not hard, as you just need to change your outfit. I always wear an entire set includes hat, glasses, clothes (or costume), pants, socks and shoes.

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Then she will give me a reward which is a new outfit and I will receive a tailors’ ticket the next day.

Shopping more, then!

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Today’s new items:

*Rocket lamp

*Desk mirror

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If there is no special item or guest every day, I just do the daily missions a bit and my interest will be reduced. But there’s always something new going on.

That is why people love Animal Crossing: New Horizons, as you always can find something you like.