Welcome to Chit Hot’s walkthrough guide for Resident Evil Village. This page offers a Resident Evil Village Lady Dimitrescu Boss Fight Guide. Below you will find information on secrets, treasures, and collectibles, such as Files and Goats of Warding. And of course, how to defeat Lady Dimitrescu herself!
Having successfully made your way through the Resident Evil Village Castle Dimitrescu Chambers, it’s time to fight Lady Dimitrescu’s herself. This fight is one of the most impressive in the game, but also one of the most challenging!
Lady Dimitrescu Boss Fight Guide
Lady Dimitrescu Boss Fight Phase 1
After heading into the Tower of Worship and collection the Poisoned Dagger, you’ll find Alcina Dimitrescu in her true form. And it’s not pretty. However, being in this state leaves her vulnerable. Specifically the humanoid form on top of the large winged creature.
During this fight, you’ll need to aim carefully to hit her weak form on top. Meanwhile, you’ll also have to dodge the lunging bites of the beast below. To begin, she’ll leave you on a stairway up on the tower but block your path. Get her to move away by shooting her humanoid section with your pistol. She’ll eventually fly away.
Run up the stairs and grab everything you see: Sniper Rifle Ammo, First Aid Med, Shotgun Ammo, and Handgun Ammo.
Phase 2
As you move into the central tower she’ll land on the side and start slowly pursuing you in a circle around the tower. Take a few shots at her upper body, then move back before the beast lunges at you. It will always rear back for a moment before lunging forward, giving you a visual cue to turn and sprint away as it smashes through debris.
After this attack she’ll be vulnerable. The wings will move back and expose Dimitrescu. Either get close to the side for some shotgun blasts, or keep your distance while turning to let off some handgun shots before running away again.

Phase 3
Deal enough damage and Dimitrescu will take to the skies. Wait for her to start floating in a relative holding pattern, and she’ll begin to summon an insect swarm. If not stopped, the swarm will eventually come to the tower and chase you, dealing damage over time unless you can outrun it. You’ll want to shut her down as soon as you see her begin this move by sniping her with your rifle. She’ll drop down after one or two hits.
After getting knocked out of the sky, wait for her to crash land back in the tower. She’ll be dazed for a time, letting you get relatively close on either side of her and attack her vulnerable upper body.
Phase 4
After enough damage has been dealt she’ll take the sky and crash land on the tower again, dragging you into the middle as rubble falls all around you. Run up the stairs to avoid her and her insect swarm before reaching the top of the spire. She’ll follow, but before she does break the urns nearby to get some more ammo.
In these close confines, you won’t be able to run along the edges anymore. Instead, keep up the fire on her body, and strafe from side to side. When you see the beast start to pulse red, move all the way to the right to dodge the lunge, then resume firing.
Utilise the shotgun after the lunge stuns her, and keep up the pressure until she starts to explode in a bloody mess, signaling the end of the fight.

When the scene ends you’ll get the Crystal Dimitrescu treasure. Nearby you can find a very mysterious Dirty Flask. It’s time to leave the castle behind, and continue your search for Rose!
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