You read that right. Through some incredible technical wizardry and what we can only assume is pure magic, Mega Cat Studios has developed not one, but two 3D games for the 16-bit Sega Genesis/Sega Mega-Drive. Sacred Line I & II are available now, complete on a physical cartridge.

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What is Sacred Line?
3D, on the Sega Genesis!
Get Sacred Line on a Physical Genesis Cartridge

Sacred Line II screenshot

What is Sacred Line?

Reconnaissance teams have intercepted chilling transmissions emanating from the depths of the abyss. Infiltrating our reality through the ethereal veil, the malevolent forces of The Darkness have breached our defenses and now encroach upon our realm. These entities, born from the darkest recesses of the human psyche, seek to ensnare unsuspecting souls and plunge them into a realm of eternal torment.

You’ll assume the roles of Ellen and Sarah, tasked with uncovering the truth behind the encroaching darkness and banishing it from our world once and for all.

3D, on the Sega Genesis!

While there were some attempts at 3D on the Sega Genesis during its lifetime – namely Virtua Racing and Virtua Fighter – they were very few in number. What’s more, they were all published by Sega themselves. To our knowledge, Sacred Line is the first third-party title to feature truly 3D gameplay made for the Sega Genesis.

The first game is a first-person dark text adventure/surreal thriller, with story-driven physics-based exploration gameplay and mature themes. Sacred Line II serves as both a sequel and a prequel.

Sacred Line keyart

Get Sacred Line on a Physical Genesis Cartridge

The games got their big push thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign. Both titles are available to buy now, each priced at £41.00 GBP. Both are sold on a physical Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive cartridge, complete with box and manual.

Mega Cat Studios is specialising in support for creating new content on retro gaming platforms. The studio launched Kudzu for Game Boy last year, and have a host of other titles in the pipeline.

Are you interested in some new retro action for classic consoles? Let us know in the comments below!

Categories: Games