After ringing the West Belltower entering the Sealed Temple, you will have a new goal in Tunic. You must find three keys scattered across the world. The easiest to get is the red key, which is located deep within the Eastern Vault of the Forest Fortress. In this Tunic Forest Fortress guide, you’ll discover the correct path for navigating the Forest Fortress and finding the red key in Tunic.
How to Find the Forest Fortress in Tunic
To find the Forest Fortress, take the path on the right side of the chamber after entering the Sealed Temple. Climb up to the mountain ledge, walk to the end and climb the ladder by the telescope. Kill the nearby Rudeling and then follow the path right past the large set of stairs. Keep going along the ledge until you reach a ladder.
Climb down this first set of ladders but don’t take the second. Instead, walk left and follow the hidden path to a lever. This unlocks a shortcut between the Sealed Temple save point and the Forest Fortress. Follow the path right into the forest.
When you enter the forest you’ll find yourself in a new area. Continue along the stone bridge and use the rubble to get down to the mud path. Follow this around to a save point, then follow the power line to the right to find a power block. Pray at this structure to turn on the power. Follow the power line along until you come to another power block. Pray again to activate the next power line and grab the nearby manual page. Head down the nearby ladders to get beneath the Eastern Vault.

How to Find the Eastern Vault
As you reach the bottom of the ladders look for a crack in the wall. Head through this crack to enter an underground cave. Enter the water and follow it right to find another passage. Down this corridor you will find more water leading to a chamber lit with a dim blue light. Kill the Spyrite and other enemies in here, then head through the doorway on the right side of the room.
Follow this corridor until you come to another chamber. This room has 5 Spyrite enemies that you need to kill. Look on the south opposite the waterfall to find another passage. This leads you through most of the rest of the cave, so just follow the path until you come to a prison with cells on either side. You can find a treasure chest and a shortcut within these cells. Head through the top right cell to enter another prison. Kill the enemies here and then continue through the door at the other end. Kill the Custodians and pray at the power block to activate a power line. Follow this and head up to enter the main floor of the Eastern Vault.
Tunic Eastern Vault Guide
Upon entering the main floor of the Eastern Vault, head through the nearby door and kill the Custodians. Use the rubble to get down to the main room and finish off the rest of the enemies. When the room is clear, activate the power block and then follow the power line out of the room towards a save point. Head through the next door to enter a large hallway.
There are some Custodians here guarding a stairwell. Once defeated, head through the door on the opposite side to enter the right wing of the Eastern Vault. Head up the stairs on the right and go through the door.
When you exit you’ll find yourself on a ledge. Make your way across and use the lever at the end of the path. Ignore the ladders for now and go through the door instead. Walk along this path to the end and activate the power block, then use the nearby lever to open a new ladder back down. There’s another power block here that you can now activate, so pray here.
With that power block activated, head back into the Forest Fortress and up the stairs in the main hallway. Activate two more power blocks to open the golden door at the end of corridor. Head into the next chamber to find a save point at the end of the path.

How to Find the Red Key in Tunic
Next comes a boss fight: the Siege Engine. It’s huge – far bigger than anything we’ve faced thus far. After defeating it, take the device that drops on the floor and head back down the steps. Use the device in the centre of the metal hexagon that’s positioned just above the save point. This will open a pillar that holds the red key.
Grab the red key to add it to your inventory. That completes this Tunic Forest Fortress guide! Head back to the Overworld when you’re ready and take the red key to the Sealed Temple.
We hope you enjoyed this Tunic Forest Fortress guide. There’s plenty more to Tunic, and Chit Hot is preparing an entire walkthrough. Check out our other guides for any areas you need help with!
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