Tripwire Interactive recently launched the stealth hit of the summer, Maneater. Now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC (with a Nintendo Switch version to follow), there’s bound to be plenty of you looking for that 100% completion. Well, look no further than this here Maneater Collectables Guide, featuring all the Landmark, License Plate and Chest locations!
By now you will have undoubtedly read our Maneater review and will be enjoying the comedy stylings of the Maneater voice actor. That’s a good start. But now that you’ve done that and purchased the game, it’s time to get stuck into the underwater savagery.
Maneater Collectables Guide
The story missions have a flow that’s easy to follow. However, finding all of the Landmark, License Plate and Chest locations can be a bit tougher. Below you can find screenshots and breakdowns of each area in Maneater, to help you find those few last collectables you’re missing for your 100%!
Fawtick Bayou Collectables
Fawtick Bayou includes:
- 10 Landmarks
- 17 Chests
- 10 License Plates
Dead Horse Lake Collectables
Dead Horse Lake includes:
- 10 Landmarks
- 14 Chests
- 10 License Plates
Golden Shores Collectables
Golden Shores includes:
- 8 Landmarks
- 17 Chests
- 10 License Plates
Sapphire Bay Collectables
Sapphire Bay includes:
- 8 Landmarks
- 19 Chests
- 10 License Plates
Prosperity Sands Collectables
Prosperity Sands includes:
- 10 Landmarks
- 12 Chests
- 10 License Plates
Caviar Key Collectables
Caviar Key includes:
- 8 Landmarks
- 13 Chests
- 10 License Plates
The Gulf Collectables
The Gulf includes:
- 9 Landmarks
- 21 Chests
- 10 License Plates
Crawfish Bay Collectables
Crawfish Bay includes:
- 10 Chests
- 10 License Plates
Maneater Collectables Guide – Glitched Achievement/Trophy
OK, so you’ve completed the story missions and got 100% of the collectables, but that last Achievement/Trophy hasn’t popped? This is a glitch and while Tripwire Interactive say they’re aware of it, there’s not yet a date for a fix. However, there is a work around…
The divide between Dead Horse Lake and Caviar Key features a large gate which is difficult to scale. On the side of Caviar Key is a switch that can be targeted, however it cannot be interacted with directly. Instead, follow the below instructions:
- Swim south (into Caviar Key) from the gate and find a fish which can be held in your mouth.
- Instead of trashing, hold down the bite button and return to the gate.
- Look at the switch and line-up until the targeting reticule appears on it.
- Whiplash with the fish still in your mouth.
This should make your shark launch the fish at the switch and open the gate! This trick has been known to force a save, thus updating your progress one last time and correcting your Achievement/Trophy records.
On your way to getting all these collectables you’ll level-up a lot. But if you need some extra help check out the Maneater Guide for all Mutations and Evolutions.
Let us know in the comments below if you encountered this issue, and if this trick helped!
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