The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has seen something of a shake-up thanks to the ongoing pandemic. Black Widow‘s Disney+ launch set a precedent. One that it seems Disney aren’t too keen on repeating. As such release dates for many titles have been shifting. The fourth movie in Thor’s saga is one such title. Originally planned to debut last year, the Thor: Love and Thunder release date has now been moved to July 2022.

Thor: Love and Thunder Portman

Most details about the movie’s plot are currently underwraps, but we do know that it will take inspiration from the 2015 comic series The Mighty Thor, by Jason Aaron. In this story, Jane Foster gains Thor’s powers while fighting cancer. Director Taika Waititi has been very vocal about the quality of the production, stating that Thor: Love and Thunder ‘doubles down’ on its predecessor, Thor: Ragnarok.

Thor: Love and Thunder Cast

Playing Foster is Natalie Portman, who will be returning to the Thor series alongside a host of familiar faces. ChitHot has already covered the known details of Thor: Love and Thunder‘s cast, as well as the potential return of Karen Gillen and even a possible cameo from Matt Damon.

Of course, Waititi himself also appeared in Thor: Ragnarok, playing the character Korg. Korg became quite a popular addition, so much that he also appeared in Avengers: End Game. It seems highly likely at this point that Korg will become a mainstay of the Thor films, and is probably set to return in Thor: Love and Thunder.

Thor: Love and Thunder Release

This new date marks the latest delay to the Thor: Love and Thunder release, but it is not the first. Upon announcing the film would no longer debut in 2021 a February 2022 date was offered instead. However, that suggestion has now also fallen by the wayside, with 8th July 2022 set to be the new Thor: Love and Thunder release date. Here’s hoping there are no more delays!

Categories: Movies